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Works in English Pomoc w napisaniu prac w języku angielskim

Witam serdecznie!

Would like to offer You my help in writing works in English (essay, project, final, research paper, bachelor/master thesis, etc.).

I will write 100% unique, creative and professional work that will meet all the requirements and terms.

I have Master degree for Applied Linguistics and English-German Philology (Plus 2 years language courses in Fort Myers, USA).
Had translation and writing practices in the USA and a few of European countries.

My total experience is 8 years (Translation, Works Writing, Copywriting, Web Content Writing, Sales Management in the company with the head office in New York)
+ many satisfied students studying all over Europe
CENA: 0 zł / Julia Borysewycz
Nr ogłoszenia: 2091 Ilość odsłon: 164

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